As Covid-19 continues to strike, we continue to face struggles each day.  Borders are as good as closed which eliminates the possibility of teams coming to visit and eliminates our international volunteers from being able to come and serve.  We have been blessed to have some of the local community step up and offer their time to volunteer during this season but we are still seeking prayer and support as we are very short handed in this area.  With the Borders being so difficult to cross it has made international adoptions extremely hard.  We have many families patiently and anxiously awaiting the opportunity to come and receive their children.  


Prayers have been answered for one family.  The family had been waiting since the beginning of April to come and collect their child.  After numerous attempts, they finally found a way to make it to Beautiful Gate, to receive their son.  Due to travel restrictions and with the government making an exception, the father was the only one allowed to make the journey.  The long awaited day for the family and Beautiful Gate was finally a foot. 


As the little boy walked into the room and met his father, his eyes lit up.  A giant smile wrapped his face from ear to ear as he ran and jumped into his father’s arms.  This was one of the most heart wrenching moments I have ever experienced in my life.  As we talked with the father, we could instantly tell that these two were going to be a perfect match.  Both of their personalities are very outgoing and fun loving. We look forward to hearing stories as the family settles into their new life.  


This has been such an answer to prayer that we are encouraged to keep praying for adoptions to become a lot more frequent.  In the beginning of the year we said this would be the year of adoptions.  Then Covid-19 hit and everything was shutdown.  We are so blessed to see things starting to open up and restrictions being lifted.  We are also very pleased to announce that during the last few months we have reunited two children with biological family, and we’ve had one local adoption.  We pray that this is just a start of what is to come in the remainder of the year!
